Pipelines present new risks to farmers warns landowners group

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Good-luck Dan, enjoy what you have left. I have never heard or read about a railway or pipeline or hydro line that improved a property. You are only one vote and the government wants you to own the land and them to use it. Today with computers and the internet it is much simpler to falsify information to create any situation. Modern day swindlers make the J.R, Ewing character look like a schoolboy lunch money bully.
Stan Thayer Dunvegan

Editor: Unsigned comment deleted in accordance with our guidelines.

Although Enbridge has agreed to conduct an environmental Site assessment on Walker's land, the results may be such that the "contamination" is not actually contamination, but rather likely to be excused away as not caused by any of Enbridge's  activities. 


After all, they claim they have never had a reported spill, leak or release in this area.  However, they do have a record of many unreported spills on Line 9B, recently exposed elsewhere in the media at http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/torontopipeline/2014/02/22/enbridge_line_9_w5_uncovers_unreported_spills_alarming_communities_along_830km_pipe.html


The caveats:

NEVER sign anything a pipeline company gives you, without being fully informed of the implications of doing so; NEVER buy land with any pipelines on it if you can help it.


If you are a pipeline Landowner, be aware, ask questions, be present when work is being done on your lands, always get any information and answers to your questions in writing/voice recorded, and take dated photos/videos.


Become a member of a pipeline landowner advocacy group:

your Ontario Landowners' organization (OPLA-Ontario Pipeline Landowners Association for Enbridge pipeline Landowners only); CAEPLA (Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline Landowners Association) http://pipelineobserver.ca/


NEVER doubt that a pipeline company/their representative will deny having said or done something.


The landowner ALWAYS comes out the LOSER, even though it's considered to be, "in the public interest".


Bev Dahmer

Line 9B Landowner


Editor: comment modified in accordance with our guidelines.


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