Premier’s Award for Edamame grower

© AgMedia Inc.

Lambton county grower is one of 10 regional winners recognized for innovation


I was thrilled to find MacKellar Farms edamame soy beans. The quality was superb. I refuse to buy produce grown in China so was very pleased to find a Canadian source. Thanks again for producing such a great copr. And please Canada let's start giving Canadian farmers the support they need. In an age of climate change and unpredictable circumstance food security should be a number one issue.

Food security, by definition, increases when there are more potential sources of supply, not fewer. Therefore, it is a fallacy to believe that we're more "secure" because we are "supporting" our farmers (in whatever protectionist way that term means) and importing less - it means we've simply created just that much more insecurity because we are relying too much on too-few sources of supply - for example, if MacKellar Farms (God forbid) has production problems, it's therefore not a very-secure supplier. The only time in life when it pays to deal with the "security" of only one supplier, is matrimony - everything else, for the sake of the security of supply, should have as many sources, both domestic and foreign, as possible.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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