Premier/ag minister talks about agriculture and Ontario’s new budget

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Bet Ms. Wynne has not applied for a livestock building permit on a new site if she believes that there is a process too deal with "red tape"

Just what does Ag and small and urban municipalities have in common ?
Was this a mistake or was it proof that she does not know the difference ?

Also if she really knew or cared about Agriculture she would not continue with the cap on the RMP . If the program is needed it is needed . It is not some thing you can set a limit on unless you limit the coverage/production a farm can enter into the program . Otherwise the big get it all and the small get told there is nothing left to go around !!

The fact that RMP is an advance on the provincial portion of AgriStability is the only "cap" that matters, yet farmers have always completely ignored it, and the fact that this linkage means they pay premiums into two programs but get benefits from only one, and have focused, instead, on the actual cap which, by comparison, simply doesn't matter.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Any livestock producer still daft enough to want to compete with the legislated evil of ethanol, as well as the legislated evil of supply management, should realize that "red tape" hindering the building of any new livestock facility, is a blessing-in-disguise.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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