Price break offered on online quota bids

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Dairy Farmers of Ontario is making some changes to the way farmers can bid for dairy quota


It really doesn't matter whether dairy farmers make their bid for quota over the phone, on-line, or even chisel it on stone tablets, the problem, if I understand it correctly, still remains that they effectively can't buy any.

Furthermore, while DFO busies itself with what is, in this case, little more than re-arranging the deck chairs on the dairy "Titanic", they are completely avoiding the the dairy industry's "iceberg" - the fact that even DFO's figures show Ontario consumers are paying 38% more for milk than U.S. consumers.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Quota is selling for over $30,000 and I'm looking at an article that's describing a savings of $10 per transaction? This is a joke right?

The funniest thing, or saddest thing, depending on your point of veiw, is that it seems absolutely nobody in the Canadian dairy industry has any sense of humour, or any sense of relative importance, about anything relating to the dairy industry.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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