Producers call pig code ‘unrealistic’

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Shifting to loose housing by 2024 is hardly putting a gun to their heads.Odd that Ont. Pork or CPC has yet to outline where they stand, this has been coming for quite some time.

You can guarantee that they and other farm orgs have been working tirelessly on this for some time . They just have not told any one yet that they agree with it .

If these new rules and guidelines really made the pigs life more comfortable producers would not only accept it but implement it immediately on there own. Castration done at day or 2 is so quick and painless that the piglet never knows it happens . On Friday I took cull sows too Zantigh's and they where mixed and sized from stalls and they fought all the way there and where pretty cut up.When we start mixing sows all the time bad things are going too happen. Yes you can pen raise sows but it is just so much more humane for all involved in stalls . Since they want too ban stalls then I fully expect nobody will be allowed too keep any pets in cages and have too let there "cats and dogs" free roam .

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