Proposed pork board changes hinder farm succession plans says producer

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A Lambton County pork producer is challenging the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission proposed changes to Ontario Pork. He says they’ll hurt the family farm.


As an industry observer, the collective voice of the Marketing Power would be significantly stronger than individual pork producers. Given recent pricing pressures and legislative changes from the U.S., a strong united pork industry would be in the best interests of all producers. Voting to dismantle the Marketing Board simply is not in the best interests of all producers. I agree with all appeals to the Farm Products Marketing Commission's ruling and encourage Minnema's efforts.

AS expressed by several parties, and commented on by the above industry observer, a vote to dismantle the authority of Ontario Pork, has not occurred. A singular decision by the FPMC, which conducted a hearing 7 months after it was petitioned by a still unnamed group of producers claiming to represent 80% of Ontario’s pig production, while it was 2 members short, and whose chairs’ departure was imminent is what has happened. The hearing was conducted at a time of year when the majority of Ontario producer would have to make a choice between managing their crops, and attending the hearing. Not much of a fisherman but even I can get the smell of this.

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