Province excludes fruit wineries from wine deal

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There are not too many Governmental decisions that are NOT politically motivated these days, this is just another one in a long list.

I am a firm believer that the day after a party is elected to govern their sole purpose from that day forth is to get re-elected, with Government funds to do just that!

I agree with you completely, everything gets done to satisfy certain groups.

Oh doesn't this just sound like prime fodder for a full blown SM rant that could take us right through New Years. GFO is always looking for new markets. Bring on the moonshiners. We have lots of corn to sell and it's getting cheaper.

I'm surprised DFO hasn't complained that this increased ability to buy wine is going to make consumers want to buy more imported cheeses to go with it.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Strange by comparison to this story, CTV power play commentary by MP's bragging about Canadian wines. I guess it is timely for Christmas political parties (20% of all wines are drunk in Dec.). Too bad Wynn can not get in at least partial step with the Feds

Really just let it go . It is a pilot project after all .
Just goes with the Me Too attitude that all fruit & veg groups have had over the years . I personally don't agree with selling booze at markets and variety stores where many of the hired help are not of age so I guess no students will benefit . Are you allowed to smoke there yet ?

To bad we are so narrow minded not to be able to enjoy different foods and wines. were happy just chugging beer..

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