Province extends grains and oilseeds risk management program

© AgMedia Inc.

'RMP is a simple cost effective solution to a complex problem that works,' says chair of grains and oilseeds group

photo: Leo Guilbeault


Boards and government should not try to pronounce big words like stable, bankable and never use predictable or dependable as words with meanings they do not comprehend.

I am sure GFO and the GFO's will be dancing in the street about their united voice and great achievements. Bragging about a 40% program now short a year with rising wheat prices would be unlikely to receive a payout anyway.
Both levels of government should be ashamed to treat agriculture's business and rural Canada with such lackadaisical disregard.

And the livestock farmers of Ontario get nothing. Where is our leadership???????????

"The livestock farmers of Ontario get nothing."

Maybe you should be thankful!

The government is trying to stick the grains farmers with bills without benefits.

If by a small chance there is any payout, it is deemed as a advance on the Agri-stability.

This announcement is nothing but smoke and mirrors for the government to pretend to the public they care about farmers but really is nothing but a cash grab to cut the provincial deficit.

Minister Mitchell get a "F" grade for this announcement. The announcement just serves the purpose of reducing the amount of farmers in Ontario.

given the recent, and very-welcome, increase in grain prices, the liklihood of any payout for 2010 is remote. In addition, if Ontario isn't going to refund the premiums we're going to have to pay for 2010, why would anyone join?

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