Province issues compensation for Ontario’s beekeepers

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One must question government support for the bee-keeping industry given that in grocery stores, local honey is often not competitive in price with other honey - is this a viable industry, or even a good example of the advantages of so-called local-food?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Whether its a "industry" or not matters little,its a public relations affair.Everyone loves bee's,everyone needs bee's.School kids were crowded around the display hive at the Plowing Match this year,the city newspapers are filled with the bee population problems.
The headline alone is what matters,is saying the Government cares about the bee's,the actual money doled out is inmaterial.

now i get it all the push was for free money hand outs.Now there talking about the real issue the hives are going into the past winters in poor condition resulting in the losses.The talk about the hive equipment being a throw away is a joke just say it you guys want more free money

Do you keep bees?

Lessons to end the bliss..
1)Bees on planet earth are dying.
2)Bees are extremely important to planet earth and our species.
3)We have a very good idea what is really killing the bees and it isn't the harsh winter.
4)The government throws our money at problems without solving them.

The little money they have given is only to save face in the public eye of the blissful general public who know nothing but that theres honey on the shelf at their favorite gmo supermarket.
If all the cows were dying in the feilds it might be more noticable a problem for the blissful..but they still wouldn't care as long as they could get cheap beef at wallmart and a big mac on the way out.
You better wake up now folks...the blissful are blinded by ignorance and will be the ones who suffer.
We are here waiting for you to join us... we are patient.. you are worth our patience..we were once where you are.. we want you to know the truth.. knowing is a slow and empowering change.. knowledge is power.. you will be very powerful.

Interesting fact. If your bees are registered and you report a 99% loss, you will be compensated without any sort of verification. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO VERIFY IF A BEEHIVE DIED THIS WINTER OR 10 YEARS AGO.

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