Purina case awaits decision

© AgMedia Inc.

The feed manufacturer and retailer is appealing a court decision that says it breached its agreement with a former Halton feed dealership


Purina president and general manager Charles Lapointe says the company launched the appeal because “there were multiple points in the original judgment we didn’t agree with.”

Mr. Charles Lapointe should have said that he apologizes to Kasemekas and Jackson for the grief and financial hardship that his corporation (Purina) have put them thru. Yet, there is no remorse, no regret. Mr. James Campbell, was actually promoted to VP Sales shortly after the Dealer's demise, a clear endorsement of his wrongful actions. It is disgusting that now all they can say is that they don't agree with some points in the judgement.

The judgement was a very strong condemnation of the Purina actions. I realize that this is a different Purina with new owners and management.....but it looks like nothing has really changed. It is time for Purina to step up to the plate, admit that they did wrong, and pay the piper. Somewhere along the way an apology would be nice.

What is wrong with these people?

Walter Kasemekas

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