Remote farmer seeks relief from chicken processing rules

© AgMedia Inc.

‘It’s not my fault there’s no abattoir for poultry within an economic radius of my farm’


This guy is a professional engineer, and knows full well that engineering approval by a professional engineer is required for this, that, or the other, construction projects for the safety of the general public, and made his living doing so - yet the safeguards he utilized as an engineer, seem to him, to be of no importance at all when it comes to food safety. I'll close by noting - AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Well Duh!!! If there is no kill plant in the area why is he trying to raise chickens there.

Drumbo Ont

Sheople miss the point. Sheople don't realise the payola and back room deals that cripple common people and benefit the corporate structure. This is NOT about safety!!!

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