Ritz promotes government agenda at London Chamber of Commerce meeting

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South Korea, with a population of some 50 million people, and very-little agricultural land, would be a huge market for Canadian dairy products, but alas, we've abandoned it to New Zealand.

Secondly, Ritz never mentioned that the Dr. Oetker frozen pizza plant would still be bare ground if the company was not able to buy milk for making its mozzarella cheese at world price, thereby making both an end run around, and a mockery of, supply management - and any time dairy farmers are forced to sell milk for substantially less than the price determined by their cost of production formula, it is always a positive development in the Ontario agri-food sector.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

I thought all frozen pizza cheese was imported as you have claimed before ?

Since, by using dairy farmer "logic", Canadian dairy farmers are losing money by selling below the cost of production to companies like Dr. Oetker, they'd be further ahead to just allow this product to be imported so that farmers in other countries could lose money on it, instead of ours.

In addition, it never made any sense that DFO would boast about this Dr. Oetker plant, given the pricing structure DFO is forced to swallow with every ounce of product Dr. Oetker buys from DFO.

When DFO can explain why, and how, they can afford to sell milk at world prices to frozen pizza makers, but can not afford to sell milk at world prices to people who make pizza at home, then supply management might not be so-completely, and so-deservedly, detested by the rest of the farm community and by anyone else who has even a shred of ethical integrity.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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