Sheep agency leaving flock

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‘Conflict of interest’ and urgent predator problems cited by OSMA director for agency’s departure from OFA task force team


The Natural Heritage Information Centre and the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario, both MNR sub-agencies, routinely identify, without prior knowledge or consent of affected landowners, allegedly endangered species as well as their habitat for enforced protection under the Endangered Species Act 2007. Whether these designations involve animals otherwise known to be predators is not clear. However, the reporting process appears to originate with "sightings" from any source, including formal reports submitted by professional "snitches". In that context, a recent Information Bulletin circulated to municipal councils across Ontario by the Land Use Council.

An absolute "no trespass policy" is advocated to distance landowners from those that are not helping with a solution and intruding on landowners rights.

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