Simcoe County dairy farmers tussle with MPAC over property assessment

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You are operating a commercial business on your farm ,what do you think it should be free? All of us who have commercial businesses pay a lot higher property tax ,get with the time and stop whinning! You knew all this when you applied for a processor licence ,some how just because your a rich dairy and processor you think you should get special treatment! Grow up and pay your tax bill like the rest of us! Bill Denby / Bills Wheels & Deals

Sounds more like the old give an inch , take a mile .
Maple syrop was likely looked at as old school and more than any thing grandfathered in as far as MPAC is concerned .
It is not like he is polishing apple or taking pits out of cherry's . He is processing milk . Processing is industrial and should be taxed as such .
One of the biggest problems is that our general farm orgs are saying value added is not processing which is taking tax dollars out of the pockets of municipalities pockets . General farm orgs need to stick to farm land tax and keep their fingers out of other forms of property tax before they screw up farm land taxes for every farmer .

It should depend on the size,I would think some large Maple syrup operations would be well over that 5,000 square ft. Range.Seems like double standards here.

Is this the part where all other non-supply managed farmers are to feel sympathetic, after paying higher taxes based on property values that have been driven higher by said farmers?

Also, as Mr. Thompson often says, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Raube Beuerman

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