Single phone call enables 5,000 farmers to chat with Duncan and Mitchell

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The province’s agriculture minister and treasurer were both on hand for a telephone town hall meeting which OFA president Bette Jean Crews has declared a success.


The phone rang at our house on March 14. Caller ID identified the incoming call to be from 647-478-8437, Min Finance.

Ministry of Finance phone number from Toronto area code.

The recorded message said it was Betty Jean Crews inviting us to give important "input" into the budget.

Why was the OFA President calling from the Ministry of Finance?

"The province’s agriculture minister and treasurer were both on hand for a telephone town hall meeting which OFA president Bette Jean Crews has declared a success"

Since the call originated from the Ministry of Finance when did the Ministry of Finance become a town hall?

When we agreed to be an OFA member, we signed a form. On the form there is a box that grants permission for the OFA to share our private information with other agencies. We denied the OFA permission to use our information other than for stated legal purposes.

How did the Ministry of Finance get our phone number and invade our privacy?

Did the OFA have the legal right to access and distribute membership information for partisan politics purposes without our permission? Did the OFA breach privacy rights by giving the Ministry of Finance private information?

How could Mitchell be part of a process that breached privacy rights of the very people she had made an oath to protect?

Farmers GAY Rights
Farmers GAY RIGHTS meaning G ive Y ielding R ights of reasonable net income like other non farm business who are price setters not price takers as farmers opperate under

Crews says the technology has a lot of potential. “It will be awesome when it is perfected.”

It will be awesome when after 25 years Non supply management farmers get some real economic results. Granted the phone in was a good attempt on the surface. But it as I witnessed on the phone line that night was a love in.

It will be awesome when OFA delivers the Federal 60% share of the RMP program. Then and only then will the farm organiations have the right and claim to fame that they are great organizations. I believe federal minister Ritz on this BF site has recently said absolute No to RMP

Canadian farmers has had tidal waves of disapointment in farm programs, and there is no evidence to believe things will change

5000 farmers on one phone call and Crews said it was a success?

How does muting 5000 invited farmers for "input" make that call a success?

Success for whom?

It was said before the Fall of Jericho:
“You shall not shout or make your voice heard, neither shall any word go out of your mouth, until the day I tell you to shout. Then you shall shout.”

Sounds like a government is about to fall when they mute voices on a successful phone call.

“I am not prepared to let the feds off the hook and neither is the province.”

What is Crews plan besides talk to get the fed on board with Rmp or anything else? It is time to produce a plan! Or face the fact that they dont have hope in hell getting results

How many years do we wait seeing no results/

The baby boomer farm organizations are leaving a hell of a mess for future farmers. Can you see the future farm organizations need to exist. Past results doesnt show much future indication of improved change in regards to farm structure net income stability as we know it today

It is a cruel joke how our farm organizations Phone ins , etc lead us farmers to believe farm leaders are making economic improvement progress

Grain farmers have had a good year and most know that the good times could vanish. A new cycle down turn if weather cooperates but then there is the Japan situation with world high debt hanging over head. If hard times comes again we have as it stands very poor farm programs in Ontario, questions leading to results need to be asked.
1)who will be farming and what size of farms in the next 25 years and what projected needed profit levels
2) who will own and control the farm land in the future?
3) with the hugh amount of capital needed to run future farms based on present profit models, will family farmers exist or how will business corporations take over farming

It is time to face facts farm organizations are limited to wooing govt, the evidence is very strong that this wooing has not worked.
Comment modified by editors

cost credibility to the impartial nature that farm organizations are supposed to operate. I fear that my operation will suffer because of this partisan breach in protocol.

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