Solar opposition continues in eastern Ontario

© AgMedia Inc.

Nearly six months after the Ontario Municipal Board ruled against opponents of a St. Eugene area solar farm, the site as been vandalized

photo: Vandals have trashed buildings on an property slated for a solar development near St. Eugene


This is most likely the work of youth looking for trouble, real farmers don't behave that way. One thing i would like to add, why am i allowed to grow corn or switchgrass or anything else for energy production ( ethanol )on my land? Yet it's not allowed to generate energy by way of solarpanels on farmland and solar generates about 5 times as much energy than corn per acre. CONTRARY TO WHAT SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE IT DOES NOT TAKE LAND PERMANENTLY OUT OF PRODUCTION. It is possible to use the land for farming while the panels are there ( like grazing sheep or other animals ). This should be made mandatory. I can graze sheep on prime farmland but i am not allowed to install solarpanels above them. Solar would give a farmer a steady income on some of his acres and allow him to be more independent.I should be able to do with my land what is needed to keep my family on the farm. Nobody should tell farmers what crops they can grow on their land ( not even other farmers ),solar is just another crop. Regards,solarfarmer.

This vandalism was done by people directly or indirectly involved with the group of 11 people apposing this project. There is an OPP investigation in progress. I would agree, this is not the work of normal farmers. However, there is something very strange with some of the farmers in East Hawkesbury. I have never seen farmers behave in this fashion. Vandalism, intimidation and harassment. There is a social poison within the community that has been spread by the Group of 11.

The world of agriculture and energy have collided and farmers have new opportunities. Unfortunately, East Hawkesbury is in the dark ages. Can you imagine the opportunity for the Plowing Match to incorporate energy & agriculture into its program? Valuable information for the farming community to help them understand how they can participate in the new economy. Its reasonable to assume that the Match in East Hawkesbury will not be able to host such forums in a community that is against renewable energy.

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