Solar rules too restrictive say Ontario’s Fruit and Vegetable Growers

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Group wants microFIT program to allow rooftop units on new builds


Here's a better idea.... get rid of the whole fiasco of a program and stop gouging hydro consumers and taxpayers in order to pay for it.

Dump Dalton in 2011!

Would you rather put all the money into nuclear reactors instead?
It might be ok or we could have another Japan!

I think we've all heard enough of Hudak's campaign crew bashing the FIT program on every news site. These soundbites about the 'costly program' are getting very tired. The program has many benefits to all Ontarians and everyone in energy policy knows these solar projects won't account for even a sliver of the rate hikes. Isn't it about time we hear more facts and details rather than confusing the public with misleading soundbites?

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