Surveys highlight soaring energy costs

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In one recent survey, 77 per cent of respondents identified fuel and energy costs, such as hydro, as the main cost pressures for their business


A candy maker had looked at the now defunct Bick's plant in Dunnville to set up shop. They kept on trucking east, to Quebec, to establish their company there. Hydro rates was the key factor in their decision.

Where will we be in 5 years!? In the mean time turbines and solar is being shoved down our throats. Frequently water is allowed to bypass the hydro generating station in Niagara Falls because there is TOO much electricity.

By the way, so glad McGuilty has called it quits! He and the rest of the Fiberals have caused much damage in the countryside.

A candy maker had looked at the now defunct Bick's plant in Dunnville to set up shop. They kept on trucking east, to Quebec, to establish their company there. Hydro rates was the key factor in their decision.

Where will we be in 5 years!? In the mean time turbines and solar is being shoved down our throats. Frequently water is allowed to bypass the hydro generating station in Niagara Falls because there is TOO much electricity.

By the way, so glad McGuilty has called it quits! He and the rest of the Fiberals have caused much damage in the countryside.

It is all well and good that the PREMIER QUITS but we let him go and they are scot free with no accountability. The following example shows how business holds accountable individuals who are proven not accountable, we in Canada allow politicians to be above the law.

The 1,000-plus-page United States Anti-Doping Agency indictment of Lance Armstrong – so frighteningly thorough and supported in its argument that the cyclist was more the creation of performance-enhancing drugs than athletic wonder – simply couldn't be ignored.

That left only a silent Armstrong, trying to take some high road about not fighting witch-hunts and moving on with his life's work of raising money and awareness in the fight against cancer.

On Wednesday, it all collapsed on Armstrong. First, the seven-time Tour de France champion and iconic cancer survivor "stepped down" as chairman of Livestrong, his highly successful foundation.

Then to kick sand in Armstrong's face, Nike, his longtime sponsor, defender and, some allege, co-conspirator dropped him as an endorser.

"Nike does not condone the use of illegal performance-enhancing drugs in any manner," the company said in a statement

Kett forgot to say that the Global Adjustment on every ones hydro bill is also part of the cost of Green Energy . Thing is that most people don't know it is figured in because it is not an itemized line item . I would encourage every one to call hydro one and ask to have it explained to them . Further in cities like London when they public uptake of conservation went viral , London Hydro had to increase their rates because they were not taking in enough money to operate on . So where were the savings there ? How long is the Clean Energy Benefit 10% discount going to continue ? Add in the HST and and it is still a net negative to the consumers pocket .

I think Mr Wales has been drinking the same Koolaid as Kett . What does a good value and stray voltage and outage problem for farmers have in common . I am not sure that stray voltage is being paid for unless it is on your side of the meter and then I think most would have that corrected . This leaves me less confident than ever in Ag leadership . What a mess !

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