Suspended sentence for farmer who opposes trucking law

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General farm organizations must lobby to change law that penalizes small farmers in remote area says owner of farm-plated vehicle


This guy still doesn't get it. He was found guilty of driving an uninspected vehicle - and would have been found guilty even if his truck had been empty. Trying to protest one law by breaking another law (not getting his annual safety sticker) which endangers everyone on the road, is stupid, stupid, stupid. This farmer deserves jail time for reckless endangerment.

I agree this guy just doesn't get it. The safety rules are there to make sure his truck is road worthy. That applies to every heavy truck, farm plate or not. The haul for hire is a different story, and is simply that farm plates are cheaper. It has nothing to do with GST either, since GST on a farm business used truck is still eligible for rebate as an Input Tax Credit. PST ?? I don't know but that will be a mute point in July anyhow with the HST. I bet he would try to run coloured fuel too if he could. We have to pay for the road somehow.

This farmer is screaming because he got caught, he did not say anything about the legal livestock haulers who have all the proper doc's and equipment and follow all govermental regs.
I deal with farmers on a daily basis and guys like this NEVER complain about overloading the trucker.

best thing I could tell him is follow the LAW, we do.

How would one report someone who is using a farm plate and isn't a farmer? What are the benefits of obtaining a farm plate? Tax breaks?

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