Third bird flu case prompts ministry warnings and questions

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Scientists have discovered that crops of spinach growing in fields within 10 miles of a CAFO chicken factory are 172 times more likely to be contaminated with deadly E. coli bacteria. This contamination likely comes from the chicken factory exhaust air that is spewed into the atmosphere on a near-constant basis.

The study was done by Texas A&M University, published in July 2013 in the peer-reviewed journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology., and was summarized in Science Daily in June 2013. See

As we should know, correlation doesn't prove causation. There is a slim chance that this 720 times higher risk is a spurious correlation that means nothing. However, that is highly unlikely, especially with such a huge risk ratio of 720 times.

As an example, the odds ratio for cigarette smoking and lung cancer vary between 7 (1 cigarette per day) to as high as 16.3 (25+ cigarettes per day). See the 1947 epidemiological study of Doll, and 1951 study by Hill.

Compare the odds ratio of 720 for E.coli/chicken factory to 16.3 for cigarette-lung cancer. If you believe cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, should you believe that mega chicken factories cause or contribute to significantly higher risk of E.coli induced food contamination leading to food poisoning?

If a CAFO chicken factory spews infectious E.coli 10 miles downwind, can CAFO chicken factories spew infectious Bird Flu downwind too?

Can CAFO chicken factories ventilation systems suck in infectious materials from wild birds (or an infected CAFO) that is upwind of this yet uninfected CAFO?

It seems safe to assume that CAFO's are designed on the same principles as a screen door on a submarine; highly questionable technology.

Glenn Black
Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada

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