Tribunal dismisses Manitoulin chicken farmer’s appeal

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The Ontario Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal rejects a Gore Bay farmer’s assertion that northern Ontario chicken producers face double standards


Apparently grand river unit at Beamsville, ON is closing down leaving 90 people without jobs. What a system!!

Dear Chicken Farmers of Ontario:

I was very disappointed with the Tribunal's decision to deny Mr. Max Burt the right to grow 2040 chickens.
Consumers are encouraged to "buy locally" as much as they can to help the environment and promote the ethical treatment of animals. How can the chicken farmers of Northern Ontario do so if such restrictions are in place.
I don't see the relevance of what happened in 1965 or other years. This is 2011 and I wish to eat locally grown chicken.
If the Chicken Farmers of Ontario can't meet the demands of the local consumer today, then changes to these archaic rules should be considered.

Thank you.
Pauline Koski

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