Tribunal orders identities of pork marketing petitioners revealed

© AgMedia Inc.

Names have been shrouded in mystery for more than a year

Photo: Elbert van Donkersgoed



Has the FPMC been ordered by the Tribunal to produce just the letter and signatures


Any? / all? documents that Farm Products, its staff and commission members may have in their possession including the correspondence and emails between the Commission members, the Commission Staff, and the Ontario Pork Directors who so obviously guided those original signatories on how to skirt due process, and force a hearing before Farm Products without appealing decisions of Ontario Pork to the Tribunal.

In a normal legal action everything must be filed.

We will find that Farm Products and its legal staff will interpret this order of the Tribunal much the same as they have interpreted the issue of a stay, Farm Products will do as it pleases and only provide limited, if any information. They are above the law.

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