Tribunal upholds DFO election results

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IT looks good on Murray ,how does it feel to get beat up in public by your brothers and sisters !! Any one knows that has gone though a fixed process called the Tribunal knows you have already lost when it comes to a D.F.O. decision !! Hey Murray you should have known the out come before you filed your appeal ,after all they wanted to get rid of you !! Now you will have to go home and live a inmates live style under the Staff and your fellow DFO BOSES !!All I can say that it could not have happened to a nicer guy !! good luck DAVE REGARDS ,BILL DENBY

The neutral third party in this case being the Post Office shouldn't ever be looked upon as trustworthy,Mr Murray has a point!

A rule is a rule is a rule. If you do not like the way the voting is done, then come up with a new system that doesnt involve a third party. I think you will see that there will always be a flawed system. Somebody always has to lose. In this case the loser was Mr. David Murray.

In this case you can not blame the post office . It was up to the person mailing the ballot to make sure it was sent before the deadline and postmarked by the deadline . If it was left to the last day and the last hour of the day then it is no ones fault but their own . To me this whole thing smacks of sour grapes and the looser will have to cry alone in his bowl of sour milk .

That's like saying the shopping malls should all be closed on Dec.24 because everyone should have their Christmas shopping done by then! A major portion of society leave things to the last minute,farmers are no different.

As Mr.Murray stated, the Mitchell PO deadline is 3:30pm.I don't know about you but my work day doesn't end at 3:30.

That's why l say the Post Office is an untrustworthy third party, the sooner they eliminate it the better.Have the voting at the regional meetings in an election booth at the back room,the same as a Municipal election but definitely get the Post Office out of it!

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