University of Guelph to close eastern Ontario campuses

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Ms. Wynne wants too expand Ag and food processing sector and now we have people wanting too cut funding or close Ag colleges .Rather than xxx$ spent on turbines,cancelled gas plants,solar maybe we could put it into these Ag schools . Ag in Eastern Ontario is much different than at Guelph or Ridgetown. KG kimball

Lets see if I got this right. Ahhhhhh the Liberals want it both ways.
Ms Wynne wants agriculture to lead the way by doubling productivity in the next few years, however she doesn't want to equip agriculture with the education and other assorted tools to accomplish that goal. As for the wasted dollars on the wind solar fiasco, using valuable resources to build access roads and power lines to nowhere for power we absolutely don't need, perhaps Ms Wynne could start by listening to a lecture given by the Ontario engineers society or reading the auditor generals report.

The Liberals must figure that if you educate the people they will leave Ontario for greener pastures , but if you close the agri. schools down they will have no option but to stay in Ontario and shovel the S$$t they are spreading.

The closing of these teaching facilities is not good to say the least .
What is even more conserning is the fact that not one of our three general farm organizations has commented at all on these closures .

With today's farm policies resulting in generational theft, what young person in their right mind would pursue an education in agriculture. Even if they did, an MBA would be a better choice. Raube Beuerman

Here Eastern Ontario we know it won't be an MBA that get us our farms its the rigs and the oilsands. That's where welding and diesel mechanic courses shone. We not only gained the skills to run a farm but also the skills to get it. Like most from Western Ontario Guelph could never look beyond its own tiny zone

It took a whole two days before some one decided to throw out the old east vs west crap . It is what it is so get over it . Sort of like Toronto deciding and telling rural Ont what is good for it . I don't for a minute believe that many in Guelph who work for agriculture fully understand what agriculture is and needs .
I just recently read where a certain GFO is telling people to go north to farm . I did not see any one from the east comment on that ! It could even be seen as that organization turning it's back on it's own policy of protecttion of prime farmland in Ontario .

Alfred Campus had only 58 students??? That's a pretty small number to have a separate facility for in these times.

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