Unknowns appear about insects that neonicotinoids control

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It seems the science proves the myth or in this case the Ontario Gov and the Sierra Club are wrong . Also looks as though some one has had a change in their tune ?!! One thing was that when ever there was some thing said it was alway referred to as "may" . Example ... cover crops may increase insect pressure .
The one thing that was never said was that there is NO rescue treatment !

This article doesn’t address the hazards of these toxins to beneficial insects and the environment, so the Ontario government is wrong about what?

So in your mind the only place that harm happens is in corn and soybean fields , and the only place that insects live is in corn and soybean fields , and the only place neonics are used are in corn and soybean fields and the bees are only affected by neonics . Your wanting to claim Gov is not wrong is not ignorance on your part ! You maybe need to think again . Listening to the science is having an open mind and not ignorance . What the heck lets go back to full all out coverage spraying and put the insecticide boxes back on the planters that the seed treatment replaced for good scientific reasons !

Dust from corn seed planters has the highest concentrations of Neonicotinoids due to the shape of the seeds; this dust travels to nearby none target fields and contaminates none target flowering plants. When treated seeds are planted less than 10% of the neurotoxin is absorbed by the plant the rest of it gets diluted by rain water and travels to contaminate rivers and streams. Neonicotinoids are at least 7000 times more toxic to bees than DDT so why should we assume their safe for bees? You want me to listen to the science, what science is that? The Bayer and Syngenta science? Maybe it’s the junk science feel good data coming from Croplife Canada? As far as insects living in corn and soy fields well they don’t that’s why we use these neurotoxins. So why is Ontario wrong for attempting to restrict these poisons? What gives a farmer the right to dump these poisons on the ground as a prophylactic without any proof that there is even a pest problem?

I guess a person can hitch their horse to any study of their choosing but how can you take a study seriously that determines neonics 7000 times worse than DDT and at the same time rules parasites and disease to have no bearing in deaths of Bee colonies?
Especially when a number of countries in the world have ruled Varroa mites the number 1 leading cause of Colony collapse.

Neonicotinoids being thousands of times more toxic to Bees than DDT is a fact! Sub lethal Neonicotinoid exposer destroys the Bees immune system making them susceptible to disease is another fact! Varroa mites are visible to the naked eye and unlike systemic pesticides can be controlled; Collapsing colonies don’t have signs of high mite infestations. Fact #3, PMRA acknowledges Neonics are contributing to high colony losses in Ontario. Fact #4, you don’t have a clue.

The neonic dust is a problem and no one is saying it is not . Studies have shown that deflectors along with not using the old talc power is working . But lets not acknowledge the good things being done right ! Is this the last of the studies being conducted , I would say not . More improvements are on the way . It may well be that manufacturers will have to come up with a filter for their machines . So the dust is being addressed . The part that is not being addressed is that the bees are livestock and not being controled .

Studies being done by Gov are now not backing what gov has been saying .

What is being done for all of the other neonic use that happens in the province ? Do you even know where it is used other than corn and soybeans ? When you can list ALL of the other uses then maybe it will be worth continuing with this discussion . You will be shocked as to just how little of the total use of corn and soybean farmers use .

Dust is only part of the problem, as stated earlier these toxins are water soluble and leave behind contaminated rain water puddles in these fields that bees use as a water source, they end up being absorbed by none target plants that bees use for pollen and nectar, what part of this don’t you get? This new lubricant introduced by Bayer only reduces contaminated dust by 27%. “bees are livestock and not being controlled” Native bees and other beneficial insects are also being poisoned, so this statement is nonsense and you know it! “Studies being done by Gov are not backing what gov has been saying” This makes no sense either. I am aware of the many uses of these products like using them on your dogs and cats for flea and tick control but the biggest problem right now is the prophylactic use of these toxins on millions of acres of corn and soy.

i think we should also regulate how much honey is removed from these hives and also regulate how much cane sugar they can feed them to overwinter . They are taking out way to much causing overwintering losses to rise. We need to regulate the insecticides the beekeepers use.This has a direct relationship to bee deaths.

In every country government put some restriction on the using of different fertilizer those are using on crops. Under Neonicotinoids seed treatment we have found the use of this pesticide more on crops and cereals in order to keep the insect away from the crop and soybean.

I stumbled onto this looking to see just which pesticides neonicotonids replaced (not clear) and which bugs we want them for now. This article seems to say they're not sure...but they need to figure it out so that farmers still have access to neonicotonids. And they found these bugs you'd find in a lawn, or other places that grow grasses year after year, like corn fields...and the cause must be that the DDT broke down. It has nothing to do with refusing to rotate crops anymore, some kinda mystery...better fast track the new pesticides.

Fast tracking pesticide regulation is always a terrible idea. If it is said there is an unknown part of the equation, it's obviously of significance. Short term goals in farming need to be weighed next to long-term sustainability targets.
-James Norton, consultant for http://www.fantasticpestcontrol.co.uk/

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