Vets oppose ban on growth-promoting antibiotics

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Maybe someone should consider looking at the drinking water that is being discharged into the rivers and then pulled in downsteam.
There are no waste treatment systems that can take out drugs from humans, Ridolin,Prozac Viagra and Birth control all go right into the water and nobody realizes they are drinking this all back in. it is always much easier to blame the farmers, we want healthy animals and only use drugs when needed. and while you are at it look into the storm sewer run off after a rain storm, that is not coming from farms it is all from cities and did you know that the cities are never fined because goverments don't fine each other. Enjoy the reading Nicole Decaire

And as usual, the vested interests immediately and reflexively have a million reasons for doing something that is patently in the larger public interest.

Why is it a good thing to give antibiotics to an animial or bird whether it needs it or not but is not recommended for humans?

Good article. So do I understand correctly that Dairy and Eggs are the only groups who do not use antibiotics as growth promotants?

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