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High standards , why is so much bad milk being sold? We had more than normal this winter of milk being bad and up to a week before the due date.

Four children and 20+ years buying milk from the store and l believe we have had 2 bags of undrinkable milk, just saying.

I drank RAW milk from our farms coolers for 55 years and never had any bad stuff.

I drank all my live but the last 3 years from the farm bulk tank and then bought it from the store which seems okay. The milk is bad quit a few times and if you had good milk all the time you must from the store you are really lucky, and from your tank I bet that if you had a bad batch you would not drink it or tell any one about it.

Perhaps you were one of Stephens cross border shoppers and the milk got left on the casino shuttle bus too long.

You may have a record. Talk to other people and they found the same thing, so is it the stores or our area who knows? I do not buy milk in the states unless we are on a trip down there, which at a place we stayed the milk was bad and so was some others we talked to and asked the staff and they said they have bad milk in the summer because of the heat. So its not a 100 degrees here so what is the problem?

I know staff at several local food stores. One a low end discounter known for refrigerator breakdowns gets deluged with returns. Another gets almost none. My conclusion is that some stores don't have good handling.

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