Want to compete? Think big, report advises food processors

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Canada’s $89 billion food industry needs to drop policies that inhibit efficiency, concludes report


"Pay higher wages" in larger companies? There may be more management that get higher wages but do the employees? Bigger means competing globally. Caterpillar and Walmart haven't been big fans of higher wages and they're larger companies.
"Match the competition" Did the report address the alignment of regulations to create a level playing field for Canadian producers versus international competitors? Or the issue of what is truly a Product of Canada?
Are the authors suggesting that by having larger companies we'll have even cheaper food? (Why?) Or is it better food?
"maxim that small is better"? Who thinks that? Does report talk about diminishing returns - the larger you are, the greater the bureaucracy, the greater the regulations, the more homogenous your product (ie just another commodity.)
Any chance an Arkansas based company funded the study?

Think big the thinkers say!

The CWB was big.

I guess it was too big. The farmers voted to keep it but our government dosen't like farmers with control.

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