Wheat producers in east revolt against their board

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‘Reinstatement’ of local director only one of several issues cited


It sounds like the Wheat Board does not want to get to know the Eastern Ontario wheat producers at all. We must be second class(but fully paying) members.

I would have thought that he would have welcomed the chance to speak to the District and explain everything the board has done and will do for Eastern Ontario.

It must be a short list.

It is about time the board had a wakeup call .After 2008 crop year with all the problems in the spring wheat and the board did nothing about it .I had called the board about the Ergot and they told me they had discussed it around coffee heard but knew nothing in detail about it.Does the board track how much wheat is received in each class and how much is sold in each class.I would not say any elevator would blend good wheat with bad but?Perhaps it is a good time for the growers to pull out of the system that is not working.

“This whole contention that we’ve all of a sudden pulled out the axe and chopped this guy’s head off is untrue,” says Whaley. “I guess we’re just the villains.”

Sounds like the bully who has been caught and is now playing the part of the martyr. Big difference between a hero and a martyr and there is nothing attractive about a martyr.

For shame the Western Ontario Wheat Board wants the money from the east but then bullies their opinion or plays the martyr card.

(Martyrs) They are often not so alive and most often do not have the support of their people.

While John Vanderspank may, indeed, be a "radical activist", those of us who came of age during the sixties find it difficult, by definition, and by experience, to fault anyone so described.

Furthermore, it seems to me that Vanderspank is taking issue solely with Wheat Board policies, and as any activist knows, policy issues are entirely fair game to be "outed" in order to be analyzed, and discussed, in a more public way than what might otherwise happen.

If Vanderspank was taking public issue with the personal competency of any fellow Board member (or Board employee) then he'd clearly be over the line, but policy issues are fair game. It's too bad the Board seems to feel differently.

Maybe time the board had a swift kick in the ass.After the fiasco of 2008 of spring wheat with Ergot and fusarium and the board did nothing but collect fees.Does the board track grades of wheat and account when it is sold.If a 10,000t of feed wheat is received is 10,000t sold?I would not think an elevator would blend good wheat with bad but?I would like to here from some growers in eastern Ontario.Good to see a director stand up for those he represents.
Rick Wallace 519-925-0661 519-939-6259

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