White bean growers and marketing commission settle differences

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Kamenz says the commission thought the use of the funds had been clearly set out in the voters’ package but “apparently now we’ve made it crystal clear to everyone’s satisfaction.”

So, reading between the words of thought, ..... clearly and "apparently now we've made it crystal clear", it would appear that there may have been discusion on the exact wording of the regulations securing the white bean research dollars. As they always say "the devil is in the details".

A big Thank You to those who finally got the "devilish details" of the white bean research dollars nailed down. Time will tell if the rewritten regulations will indeed cement those "devilish details" crystal clear or not.

When will the other side of the merger make its books available and disclose what it is bringing to the new joint venture ? Maybe the commission needs to step up here .

From the picture on page 22 B of the OF it is not going well with the merger when the GM of the new OBG is pictured at a table with a phone and a laptop . at the new office . We have two orgs who are to be one and does not a one of them have office equipment ? Or is there more happening behind the scenes and things are being squandered or sold ? Come one now this is 2013 ! The only thing that seems to have been done right so far is the hiring of Erin as the GM .

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