Young farmers meeting one-sided: NFU

© AgMedia Inc.

The coordinator of the Ontario chapter of the National Farmers Union says feds excluded his organization from a federal round table discussion on the plight of younger farmers

Updated Nov. 23, 2010 4:34 p.m.

Updated Nov. 24, 2010 10:41 a.m.


Even though I disagree fundamentally with the NFU's views about corporate concentration and most of the rest of their protectionist-leaning policies, McGivern is dead-on when he focuses on the issues of supply management and how it affects younger farmers.

Simply stated, there's no way the feds want to hear from any young farmer who has anything bad to say about supply management, yet among my many young-farmer tax clients, none of them has anything good to say about it, and, if the truth be known, they believe supply management to be their single biggest problem - and if McGivern and/or the NFU is prone to want to address that issue, they're NEVER going to be on the inside of any government's "inner circle".

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Looks like farmers will have to wait till the retire aged and supply management farmers exit farming for change to take place. But then again a new age and round of buddy buddy farmer younger good old boy clicks will establish its self with goverment, More local rural Mps of federal and provincial government will serve their time and retire with government golden hand shakes . Aready one 15 year serving provincial lberal provincial MLA of sothern ontario has announced he will not run in next year election, a second liberal rural member has put out a press release to dispell the rumour that that individual is not running, both announcements on the same day

There's an old saying that change takes place one funeral at a time - and that seems to be exactly the situation facing younger farmers. The question many of them continually ask themselves is - "Can my family and I afford to wait that long?"

Stephen Thompson, Clinton

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