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Proponents continue to push for a specialty crops designation for MelancthonTownship, even though it may not stop a quarry


To my knowledge Nova Scotia is the only Province in Canada which has formally recognized land as a non-renewable resource. Where did the soil come from? Well it wasn't just always there. Soil is produced through a long slow interaction of minerals, plants and animals. Currently, world wide, soil is being destroyed at a faster rate than it is being produced. Agricultural soils are disappearing at an alarming rate world wide. If a proposed Quarry goes ahead in North Dufferin the soil loss will be a tragedy.
Not to mention alteration of the water tables and the underground flow of water which we don't understand much about anyway. Not to mention water quality. Not to mention the loss of agriculturally productive land.
My money says if this proposed quarry goes through, the limestone will be used to produce concrete. The concrete production process currently accounts for about 30% of Greenhouse gasses worldwide.
When are politicians going to take their heads out of the sand. Can this environmental degradation in Ontario be stopped. Of course. Will it be stopped? Will common sense prevail?
Karen Jones
Winnipeg, Manitoba

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