Accounting problems impede Christian Farmers

© AgMedia Inc.

The province’s second largest general farm organization will need clear numbers before its bid for recertification can proceed

photo:Nathan Stevens


If the concern here is there is no “an explicit membership agreement.” meaning no specific performance agreement contract it would be quite interesting to see the structure of that document. Would this bring an end to long never-ending congratulations and platitudes when recycled funding and meaningless renamed programs are rolled out? Would the work ethic of "" come to an end?

In any worthwhile contract you can not have the benefit without the obligation. A contract must have agreement to have consent, not an arbitrary no choice check box.

Question is, who's obligation and who's benefit will be served while there are two paying masters of obligation?

Accreditation is only granted by (tribunal) government (except when overruled by the minister), but is ultimately bought and guaranteed with government stable funding and performance, a tout often uttered and promised by a previous ag minister.

YOU CAN NOT GROW guns and butter on the same farm

This is going from bad to worse, and is little more than a comedy of errors. What accountant qualified to undertake audits, and it is my understanding that only Chartered Accountants are deemed qualified to prepare audited financial statements, wouldn't have insisted, right from the get-go, that the statements be prepared in accordance with the CICA Handbook? Furthermore, the CFFO was told, when their previous application was denied, that they needed audited statements prepared in accordance with the CICA Handbook, and they either knew, or should have known, this is a basic requirement for fulfilling any obligation dependent on legislative entitlement - that they didn't/couldn't/wouldn't do this most-simple, and most-necessary, task before coming back to the hearing, speaks volumes about basic capability issues at the CFFO.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Hi Stephen

The CFFO audited statements are prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Prinicples (GAAP), and have been for the duration of FBR. GAAP is the main contents of the Handbook regarding Accounting. In all the previous tribunal hearings it has been understood that GAAP standards = CICA Handbook standards. Prior to the hearing, our accountant assured us that referring to GAAP in his auditors report would be acceptible, and that referring to GAAP is the standard practice.

From the CICA website:
The CICA Handbook – Accounting provides the standards set by the Accounting Standards Board for entities that prepare financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It includes International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE), Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations, and Accounting Standards for Pension Plans.

Nathan Stevens

The point is that you didn't prepare the audited report in a way consistent with the standards outlined in the CICA Handbook, and that's why you were asked to come back with an amended audited report, and be prepared to explain it. The simple fact of the matter is that your accountant gave you bad advice, and it may seriously impair, if not quash, your chances of being re-accredited. Even the CICA website makes it abundantly clear that the CICA Handbook provides the standards for preparing financial statements using GAAP, and not the other way around, as your accountant would appear to have led you to believe.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Maybe CICA should explain to FCC when making farmers loans that advertising and giving farmers payments of interest only is poor business

have you ever looked at the pictures BT puts up leaders
Seems like male leaders having widom you have go tee beards, then in photo ops we farmers must have our arms crossed in front of our equipment. HAVE NOT FIGURED OUT WHAT THE WOMEN LEADERS DO YET

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