AgriStability and Ontario’s RMP part ways

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It's good that one soon won't have to enrol in AgriStability in order to enrol in RMP - the sad news is that this announcement wasn't made because of sound accounting reasons, it was made because the province (finally) recognized the basic uselessness of AgriStability after the claim margins were lowered to 70%.

What is not mentioned, however, in this announcement/story is whether RMP will still be considered an advance on the provincial portion of AgriStability for those who continue to enrol in both - and if it is, it will be a no-brainer that AgriStability participation rates, especially now that it is effectively useless anyway, will plummet to almost nothing.

The galling thing is that the perpetually-duplicitous feds will then have federal Ag Minister Ritz promptly claim that the reduced numbers of farmers in AgriStability means that farmers are prospering and that they don't need farm assistance programs at all.

All, in all, there's enough dumb to go all the way around the table several times over - the feds recognized the problems with P2/P2 inventory valuation procedures in CAIS almost right away, and changed it for year two of the program (albeit for just that year), while it took Ontario seven years to do the same thing - now the feds seem to figure that it's their turn to be the dumb funding partner.


Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Agreed Stephen. There is a fundamental difference between U.S. and Canadian Farm Bill policy mentality. U.S. Farm Bill programs are called an investment in not only the agriculture economy but also the overall economy. Back in Canada and the Provinces our politicians usually claim any program as an expense with no return on investment.
Want proof?
Simply look at the overall CAP of the RMP program. Great provincial RMP investment possibilities are currently neutered by the CAP in midstream just as the program looked promising. Federally the great Agristability investment possibilities were also firmly neutered with the move from 80% to 70% margin calculation.
What I am trying to say to the politicians reading this is "Thank You Very Much, However the Devil Is in the Details."

Now that the tie has or will be cut when will the province step up and fund the program 100% . They can no longer blame the feds for not supporting with their 60% . Guess the province is now willing to go the program on their own and truely make it work for farmers .

A favourite trick of government is to announce a program, spend as little on it as possible, and then when they have money left over, announce another new program - in this way it appears that, for example, they are spending $300 million on this, that, or the other, they're actually only spending $100 million but announcing it three times.

I suspect, therefore, that if one does even a basic "sources and uses" analysis of what Ontario pays in farm programs, this de-linking announcement is likely calculated to substantially reduce what Ontario will have to contribute to AgriStability because from now on, nobody will want to be in AgriStability.

Or, to look at it another way, if, before RMP, Ontario was paying X amount of money in AgriStability payments, I suspect there's a good chance Ontario will now be required to pay only some fraction of X in RMP payments - resulting in a net saving for Ontario as well as a chance to earn some cheap political points for claiming to be "the farmer's friend".

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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