Bankrupt Pigeon King's country home to be auctioned off

© AgMedia Inc.

Sale of 300 acres, home and 'pigeon coop' scheduled for Sept. 23



Galbraith "enterprise" collapsed June of 2008 as predicted. Madoff's Ponzi scheme was exposed in December of 2008. By March 2009 Madoff was in jail serving 150 years. Within months the SEC was investigated and reports condemning their continual refusal to see this obvious fraud and continual refusal to heed the warnings of whistle-blowers were made public.

Meanwhile here in Canada, at a massive cost to taxpayers, a "foot dragging" exercise; a so-called "investigation" of Arlan Galbraith & the Pigeon King International continues years later at a deliberate "snail's pace."

When will Canadians wake up and realize they are "being had!!!"

dave - CBNow

When Bernie Madoff was exposed as a fraud, his supporters disappeared - Arlan Galbraith probably still had oodles of supporters.

Dave - you are not being transparent - did the New York City Police investigate Madoff? No. It was the SEC! We do not have an effective "SEC" in Canada - the OSC and the Competition Bureau refused to look at this scheme so it fell to the police to investigate. Rest assured if the NYPD were left to investigate Madoff he would still be free!

We need effective federal law enforcement and regulators!

Dave your still in the picture after all this time...funny..

--ones investing in pigeons knew as soon as they seen the numbers that it was an unsustainable venture yet there neigbours had seen wildly good returns on there investments that maybe they could get the same before it collasped..hard too fix or makes laws against being stupid

what do you do for a living?

-- in ag finance business

Thats funny because it was an ag finance business that lent me the money for the initial investment

hard to hunt on land that has been logged and left a mess, river front land has been logged and no where near the front of the prop hard to get too, how do we send in a bid and let us know how much it went for, and before any one bids they better take a good look at the coops they are falling off their foundations all ready,and remember no fire trucks will come out if the place starts on fire is it worth the chance....

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