Biodiesel plant may expand market for Ontario soy

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A study lately concluded that bio diesel had more bad environment effects than conventional diesel . Let's hope that studies or mandates are done for the right reasons and not a political mandate. The western Canada bio oil in winter has too be exported too US and bio oil imported as there bio oil is too heavy of a viscosity to operate in cold weather . I will try too add the web link later-kg kimball

Would be interesting to see . Please post .

Overall, an increase in the amount of biodiesel blended into the ULSD correlated to an increase
in the lubricity of the fuel. All of these bio-blends decreased the lubricity standard of the fuel to
within specifications. It was shown by this study that biodiesel can not only be comparable to
lubricity additives but in most cases biodiesel blends can be an improvement over the lubricity
effects of commercial additives. This was true with both in-specification and out of specification
biodiesel, as several of the commercial biodiesel samples analyzed for this project did not meet
D6751 specifications. Using biodiesel in place of lubricity additives could be a cost-effective
and environmentally responsible way to achieve excellent lubricity in ULSD fuels. Biodiesel is
also a way to support our internal fuel economy, as well as the agricultural community
responsible for producing bio-fuels."

In a nutshell 2% biodiesel sure beats premature replacement of expensive injection pumps!!

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