Board backs Perth County land severance policy

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In a decision this week, the Ontario Municipal Board dismisses an appeal to amend the county’s official plan to allow surplus farm dwelling severances


Our family has been on the farm since 1852 and because of this no severance policy we must leave the land. Some farmer will purchase the farm and tear down the house because of tax consequences. This will be the third home lost on this 1 1/4 miles in the last 20 years. Do we want a county with no people in rural areas and no tax base? I will be looking for a country home in Huron county

Yes. Huron county not only has a surplus house severance policy, they are currently being far more flexible in applying their policy. I suspect this is because they are looking for tax money given the provincial cutbacks to rural Ontario. On the other hand, half of Perth county have chosen to turn a blind eye to the destruction of several good surplus houses. Apparently they are not concerned about the decrease in their rural population much like Prairie agriculture in order to protect livestock farms. Perhaps those in the south and west part of Perth abutting Huron might want to investigate separating from the rest of Perth.

June 23 2015 at 7:30 in Sebringville on this issue see for details

Recently a property less than 3 acres fetched a price above the asking price as I understand it.
Located was just inside Huron, 1/2 mile from Perth.

Raube Beuerman

I guess you have been living in a shell or under a rock . Land in Perth for one but not limited to , has been selling for more than the asking price for years .
5 years ago when the estate of my father was settled the farm he owned was sold for more than the asking price in 2 days .
Many Perth County hog farmers have paid more than the asking price of a farm for years .

Who's talking about "farms"?

Raube Beuerman

So land does not include farms/farm land ? Maybe you thought you were talking about a building lot . With the current Ont. Liberal gov every small acerage is considered a farm with the support of Buy Local Buy Fresh . $7000.00 gross income gets you into that class . We have our General Farm Orgs to thank for not visiting that issue and rasing the gross income qualification because they want members dollars and member numbers .

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Raube Beuerman

we need to divide the policy, making new lots and dividing existing farm houses I would argue are two completely different topics

Things are poised to change in the country side . You can't have protection of farm land and not allowing severances of houses and building lots when you are all in favour of rural natural gas . Also municipalities get their tax dollars from building taxes so that also is going to change . Otherwise you end up with municipalities being choked financially like they are in the Green Belt .

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