Both sides find fault with province’s neonic consultation

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Just a thought. Bees die or go missing for a number of reasons. Sometimes its disease, sometimes its environmental or other reasons. But bees are little creatures and if dead bees were on my field, I would not notice. Bee farmers would notice the bees not returning to the hives though. On Dec. 30, 2011 there was a large solar flare and the next day reports of large numbers of birds "falling from the sky". Big birds dead on the ground were noticed. There seems to be a connection between solar flares and large groups of animals, birds, fish dying at one time. Is it possible solar flares have something to do with bee deaths but the bees are so small its hard to find that evidence? Not to understate pesticide contamination, but are there other reasons for the bees disappearing? If we don't get the right reason for the bee problem, can we fix the problem? Just a thought.

You can find articles about bee deaths reduction if you look for it.

I am somewhat fascinated with all the publicity surounding this issue.
I will acknowledge that these products do add a small amount of yield increase and/or yield protection.
I am not in any sort of panic over this issue as many others are. The sky is not falling.
IMHO, the panic over this issue has to do with the underlying issue that farmers and/or farm groups have become accustomed to farm policies/regulations that have an inflationary effect, yet this regulation is deflationary, and many are having difficulty with that aspect of it.

Raube Beuerman

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