Charges brought against Pigeon King Arlan Galbraith

© AgMedia Inc.

Former bird breeder in court yesterday to face one charge of fraud and four charges under the Bankruptcy Act
Photo: Arlan Galbraith


Finally a decision to charge him with fraud has been made. Makes my Holiday Season a little merrier knowing that that the Canadian Authorities did not drop this investigation.

Darlene Thayer
Coalition Against PKI and Arlan Galbraith

We are appreciating the fact that they Canadian Authorities did not drop the investigation, but this sure doesn't sound like enough. One charge of fraud?

Comment modified by editors. This case is before the courts.

Finally!! Now how long will before the trial starts?

At least he will finally face his accusers.

A challenge needs to be sent to the farm press to do more real ard question asking stories on " are farmleaders and ministers of agriculture failing farmers need for good saftey net programs and WHY". Only then will seeds of improvement come to the light of day.

Farmers need stories of prevention, exposure under freedom of information,after the fact stories of farm problems with pain and suffering although useful only helps a continuation of no positive solutions.
It is very interesting how the spin off affect of economic problems of Ontario farmers helps employee and make work for so many professional and staff people from news,farm orgs, OMAFRA. farm succession,legal, etc.

We need a News Year resolution of change

Dave Thornton

Some have uttered the likes of "...anyone who believed that pigeon breeding was going to become a commercial livelihood deserved to get fleeced."


Comment modified by editors: the issue is before the courts.

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