Commission urges wine and grape leaders to work together

© AgMedia Inc.

Report recommends industry develop a standard contract between growers and wineries


I know nothing about agriculture. But this is what I'm thinking ...

Surpluses are fine as long as no one is starving ... It's part of commerce ... you drive a KIA instead of a Mercedes.

If growers are starving, they should sell the farm (to a winery) and enroll in college or become an employee of the buyer.

High quality gets high prices and plenty of demand. Charge per acre, maybe, and let the winery decide the yields.

I can not understand why wineries are not allowed to individually negotiate the price with their suppliers.

If you make 100,000 btls of wine, there is no guarantee that you will sell them all, at full price. Same with bushels of grapes. Same with salmon fillets. What is wrong with a free market (as long as the millionaires pay their share of taxes).

Rick Schofield
Port Ewen, NY

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