Consumers want local foods but are reluctant to pay more: survey

© AgMedia Inc.

A personal connection with a farmer puts consumers more at ease with higher prices, the Farm Credit Canada survey suggests


The price it must take to transport the produce here must cost something.In the end wouldn,t it equal our to around the same price. In canada it seems people like to have cheap food and it make no different if the farmers make anything for what they produce. The end results is every body who touches that food makes more than the family farmer,don,t matter which country their from.

I often travel to farmer's markets across Ontario and am often frustrated to see that I can go to some busy markets not far outside of Toronto and pay half the amount that I woudl at some of the markets in the city. While I realize the farmer does need to make a profit, they're hurting themselves by overcharging us city suckers in Toronto. It is sad that I can go to St. Lawrence Market and pay $5+ for a small pint of Ontario berries or go to Loblaws and get that very same pint for two dollars less. I want to support my farmers but they're not making it easy for me to do so!

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