Crop Scene Investigation - 32

© AgMedia Inc.

What caused the mystery 'crop squares' in Perth County?


I suspect the grower has a 16 row corn planter judging by the pattern and the very specific amount of corn that was damaged.
This injury looks to be associated with the starter fertilizer. The injured corn did not receive the same amount of starter (if any) in comparison to the surrounding crop. This could have been caused by a planter malfunction, or operator error.


It might be nice to keep it simple like a planter malfunction but this crop did very well to produce cobs to near maturity (evidenced by sprouted cobs) before the event and then systematically fall down in a defined systematic pattern. The look of the stalks reminds me of the patterns crated by iron fillings and magnets although not a perfect replication.

I suspect a more uncommon event than GPS guided coons or other wild life ...maybe a lightening strike and high wind possibly in some combination with stage of crop and or fertility.


it is simple someone pushed it over.


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