Dairy Commission wants to expand market for Canadian cheese

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These are the same people who drove Greek yogurt maker, Chobani, right out of the country - thanks to the selfishness and dumbness of the Canadian dairy industry, Chobani has, based on what I saw today at a Wal-Mart just north of Cincinnati, just over 25% of the self-space for yogurt, while in Canada it has zero.

In addition, this "gang that couldn't shoot straight" still can't seem to figure out the blatant double-standards behind allowing frozen pizza makers to buy mozzarella cheese based on world prices, yet forcing fresh pizza makers to pay more than that, and forcing people who make their own pizzas at home to pay the rip-off "cost-of-production" pricing which is completely-different again.

Finally, who could trust an industry that, even after forty years of declining primary demand caused by rip-off farm gate prices, still can't figure out that we can have supply management or we can "grow the market", but that it is impossible to have both at the same time?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Maybe we should ask some European dairy farmers how that "grow the market" is working out for them,now that they have abandoned the quota system.

It is surprising on why the cleaners at the food court is not having to have an "accreditation" , I buy a car in BC but have to recertify to get it sold or registered in Alberta, because Alberta is "different" (?)

After 10 years living in Canada it is disappointing and sad that we came here with a "dream" and now it is in Shambles.

It is "Cow funny Canadians" that is how I call them. So to own a cow in canada I should pay $28,000 per cow as the licensing fee?

Canada it seems is a Glass green house trying to force a life here.
This place does not want life or growth.
But anyway I like it here and will stay here.
Siva, Calgary AB

Should have went to the US, l am sure the cow's are free there !

Not free but Canadian dairy farms reportedly borrow $30000/per cow and US dairy farms borrow $3000/per cow...what's that tell you? It tells me SM sure increases costs!

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