Decision on agricultural workers’ bargaining rights still months away

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Ontario’s Agricultural Employees Protection Act could work just fine but “it never had a chance,” says agricultural industry representative

photo: Ken Forth


The farm community is being completely Neanderthal about the whole issue - the fact of the matter is that the only workplaces in the private sector (skilled trades excepted) with unions, are the workplaces that, because of the boorish attitudes of the owners, deserve to have unions. Furthermore, attitudes towards unions in the farm community, are split along age-related lines - older farmers, particularly those with little off-farm employment experience, and/or who are poorly educated, seem to have a completely paranoid attitude towards unions. Younger farmers, particularly those who supplement their farm incomes from their employment as (usually unionized) skilled tradespeople, just don't have this attitude - neither do their spouses who often work for example, in the highly-unionized public sector. It's interesting, therefore, and not surprising, that the agricultural community's spokespeople on this issue, all seem to be on the grey side of 50 (if not substantially older)

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