DFO acknowledges new class a key factor in Ontario dairy blend price drop

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Supply management was introduced to protect dairy farmers from the world price, yet, little-by-little, Canada is finding that it cannot, in spite of continuing demands from dairy farmers, isolate itself from the rest of the world.

The result is that Canadian dairy farmers are trying to foist off the blatant hypocrisy that they can, and should, on a long-term basis, be able to get away with charging different prices for effectively the same product, depending on who the buyer is.

(1) It was hypocritical enough when frozen pizza makers got to be able to source their dairy ingredients at world price but fresh pizza makers couldn't.
(2) It was even-more hypocritical when fresh pizza makers were finally given a concession, but not to world prices, thereby still leaving them at a disadvantage to frozen pizza makers, but still in a better position than people who make pizzas at home.
(3) Now the hypocrisy has been extended to include processors who can, and do, import diafiltered milk. They have finally been given a price break because dairy farmers could no longer enforce the farm-gate price gouging that is a "pillar" of supply management.
(4) The biggest hypocrisy, the screwing of consumers who live too far from the US to be able to easily shop there for dairy products, continues unabated, and continues only because DFO can get away with it.

When, to the nearest century, is DFO going to admit that the term "competitively-priced" should be used in relation to consumers and not just to those of DFO's customers who, like the importers of diafiltered milk, can, and do, force DFO to its knees?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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