Double whammy for farmers

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If I can make ends meet, given the small size of my farm, without the use of production insurance and RMP, then so can everyone else.
Any increase in the 'cap', will just result in farmers paying more for land and rent.
Four years down the road, they will be asking for another increase to the cap.

Raube Beuerman

Better yet, only pay if the "competing export jurisdiction" gets subsidy $$ for that commodity.

Not every farmer is a hobby farmer

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According to Professor Cummings " It’s considered to be unfair competition if one jurisdiction subsidizes its agricultural sector and another one doesn’t, he explains." So, if this is one of the reasons we have the RMP program for each commodity then where is our individual commodity transparency showing what competing jurisdictions receive in subsidies for each of their respective commodities?

Since now its not "politically correct" too have acreage,numbers or dollar caps (there is caps at $1-3 mil. subsidy payments on some production) it just speeds un consolidation as the ones with a large base can pretty much use crop ins., RMP ,Agri-invest,ect. to lock in a substantial profit and further out bid young guys wanting to get in or grow there operations,especially cash crops. From machinery sales to land and rents it would be hard for the government at this time too think farmers need paymnets or programs as its hard too find a cash grain guy not wanting too expand . Today more than ever you need too marry right or win the ovary lottery if you wish too farm full time. kg kimball

But the SM farmer is going to out bid the cash crop farmer because the government feels sorry for them they have had it tuff !!!!!!!!!! see if the liberals feel sorry for the cash crop farmer

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