Egg quota sales drop significantly

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Good information, but I think the headline doesn't match with the content that well.
Headline makes it seem like there is a problem, article details say the opposite.

a farmer in a lease program can get a 100 percent quota increase .This would result to a huge pay increase and that's EFO answer . Sounds like politics to me

QTS has stopped any new farmers entering egg farming.
Just takes to long to buy enough quota for a new barn.Looks like egg farmers want to keep the quota among themselves
NEW Farmers then look at broilers a more easy entry

If the ultimate goal is to curtail rising quota values, just reduce the COP's.
Besides, their plan here is not a little to late- it is alot to late.
This is like closing the barn doors after all the livestock has escaped.

Raube Beuerman

directors want control and if they really wanted new farmers they have enough quota to start 60 new farms. They all got the quota for nothing and these rich farmers hide behind cop

It just might of dropped because all the small producers are gone,and just the big and aggressive ones are left.,for the reason there is less quota for sale.

No one knows where the quota sales are going are really how much[transparent system] General public does not get this information. Small producers are selling down their quota and leasing in 296 to buy or 7.30 to lease that's easy math .So selling 3500 units at 296 is a nice vacation $1036000 or $25500 to lease. Looks greedy to me

Your presuming there is actually 3500 there to lease ?The price and producers leasing out will also vary.A small producer like anyone would simply be appyling to lease in.
Remembering also participation is limited to 5 years.

So are all farmers treated equal.
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GM Canada sold 19,264 vehicles in November we really need to know who bought them all ?

Where, and at what price, will the recently-announced "new-entrants" be able to buy egg quota when they have to start replacing the quota loaned to them?

Unless these new entrants have some sort of guaranteed access to replacement quota not available to others, I suspect this "you can't buy enough quota at any price" horror story is already starting to cause panic among the new-entrant dairy farmers who've been in business since 2007/2008 and who are soon going to have to either buy more quota which can't be had at any price, or sell what they have and get out of dairying completely.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

So now it sounds like you have changed your mind and actually like SM .

If I'm not mistaken, the new entrant program for dairy was cancelled a few years ago, if for no other reason than the "Catch-22" situation created by the inavailability of quota for anyone, particuarly already "up-and-running" new entrants who will be forced to buy a certain amount of quota each year to replace what was loaned to them at the outset of the program.

In a way I feel sorry for any new-entrant who gets squeezed by the unavailability of quota when they need to start buy it to replace what was loaned to them, but then again, they were greedy enough to go into it, why should anyone care when they fail?

In addition, I can't understand how, or why, anyone would ever have ventured into any of the new entrant programs, given the huge after-tax cash flow commitments, assuming quota can be bought at any price, beginning in the year the quota loans have to start to be repaid.

Therefore, new entrant programs are still a form of child abuse in the same way supply management itself is consumer abuse.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Dairy program not cancelled.
You know not of which you speak.
The dog barks but the caravan moves on.

The new entrant quota assistance program was never suspended !

You better stick to your accounting because you wouldn't cut it in the Banking business.Most,if not all Bankers know the stipulations involved with the Dairy entrants program and still believe quota is one of the safest assets in Agriculture. Its one of the most reliable loans on their books,given that the applicant has a good 10-year business financial plan. What other non-Supply Management Ag-sector can give that ?Looking at the past decade,certainly not in the Beef and Pork Industries.

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