Ethanol cooperative chair challenges report

© AgMedia Inc.

Letter to the editor: Ethanol production has increased the availability of corn in Ontario says Tom Cox chair of the Integrated Grain Processors Cooperative, which operates an ethanol plant in Aylmer, Ontario.

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Cox ignores one crucial element - when he claims that even with ethanol demand, the adjusted Ontario corn basis has been flat to declining, and therefore, ethanol hasn't harmed hog farmers, he completely ignores the fact that exactly the same argument can be used to "prove" that ethanol has been of absolutely no benefit to corn farmers.

If there's been no basis change in corn due to ethanol, and therefore, no harm to hog farmers, by definition there's been absolutely no benefit to grain growers - therefore, why are we subsidizing ethanol?

The answer to a multitude of problems is quite simple - we need to subsidize grains farmers instead of ethanol producers. This will compensate farmers for any loss in income as we go from being a net importer of corn, to being a net exporter. This, in turn, will give hog farmers the corn price they need to be competitive, and will give the now-unsubsidized ethanol plants all the corn they want.

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