Ethanol hurts hog industry

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Letter to the editor. Writer argues it's time to choose between ethanol and hogs

Photo: Stephen Thompson


I didn't make it overly clear that I completely disagree with Cox's research methodology, and therefore, his conclusions The acid test of any research methodology is that it must produce believable results when applied to both sides of the equation, and Cox's adjusted basis methodology fails miserably.

Cox would be the first to object if someone used the zero change in adjusted corn basis to "prove" that Ontario corn farmers had enjoyed no benefit from ethanol, yet he uses that exact-same methodology to "prove" that hog farmers have experienced no harm from ethanol.

The fact of the matter is that Ontario farmers have enjoyed considerable benefit from corn ethanol, which is exactly the opposite conclusion to that derived from using the adjusted basis scenario. This means that since adjusted basis measurements are completely unable to measure benefit to corn growers, they are also completely unable to measure harn to the hog producers who buy that corn.

The completely undisputed facts of the matter are that firstly, corn ethanol has been of tremendous benefit to North American corn growers, but, secondly, corn ethanol has been an albatross to North American hog feeders - the key point is that we, in Ontario, unlike many hog producing areas in the US, were in a net import position for corn, even before ethanol came along. This means that, to Ontario hog farmers already already at a competitive disadvantage for corn supplies, ethanol, in effect, "kicked them when they were already down"

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