Farm groups seek greater clarity in provincial waste reduction bill

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Clarity is something needed at these landfill(dumps) sites! Sometimes they tell you to keep the Hay bale Plastic separated the next time they say throw it in the bin! You try to keep it clean and folded but at times it doesn't seem to matter.

Go to our dump and you have a couple of people that they think their the mayor of the township and come off making you feel like you should have just stayed home and not bother going. They tell you what to recycle and you get there and they tell you the opposite , like we have better things to do as to go to the dump and being treated like an idiot.

Because of gov't regulations and funding most municipalities have too run a recycling program -pick up , the % of that picked up that cannot be recycled is pretty high ,any recycling day its raining all the card board -newspaper goes straight to landfill ,about all that really gets saved is the pop cans.Running big trucks burning fossil fuels too gather up a few pop cans-kinda , no really stupid. At least just have a rural drop off point.

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